June 9, 2008

Wedding Anniversary

Today is our Fifth successful wedding anniversary. I have got a lovable and perfect husband in my life. But i had to make this resolution for the first time, and that too on such an important day, to keep my mouth shut!! Hee hee, this is my discovery after five best years. Can u believe it? Well, it is true .. and u know why only this will work out in future, i think so.. Dont U? Cos the way our great I-know-everything- hubby talks is in such an impressive way, that everybody around even our own parents start to fall in their side . There is one such case going on for a long long time in my own household. When i complain about one of my neighbours everybody will pounce on me back saying that , no..no.. there is something wrong with u, u r short tempered, why dont u see the positive side , why do u have so much hatred towards that female.. blah blah blah.. but my hubby will be talking about the same person, sometimes giving the same complaints and it never shows up.. they simply take it as yeah yeah thats right, and everything is directly accepted.. as if all those words r from the great Gandhi himself! This will get us on our nerves!

I chose a book recently by Susan Konig from the Library."Why Animals sleep so close to the Road" .. (and other lies i tell my children ) is the title . It is a very different and curious title right? so i read it.. wow... i found that she is a wonderful writer who knows to express practical life in a hilarious way.. she gives the reader a feeling that she is one among us.. i was even laughing out loud by one of her jokes. It is really good .. and iam on the verge of finishing the book. I also wonder sometimes that, hey why dont i try to write a book like that?! Its an interesting profession, and one of the best ways to express one's feelings.

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