February 11, 2008

Another Party!

My husband told me that he was invited for another birthday party one week before. Right from that day i have been telling him iam not coming! Iam not going to attend another party and get myself locked down. Iam not going to voluntarily push my mind into keeping on worrying about silly things later! So he stopped asking me about that. Then finally when the day of the party came he told me that our kids would be affected becos of my unnecessary speculations.

I thought ok this time i will go and i will not take anything seriously whatever the hell happens and i will keep myself cool , heads up! I thought i would go for the sake of my two kids!

Ok at last i , we made it there! And u know what ,i liked it this time.. The new couple,parents of the b'day boy were good to me , the lady was all smiling and inviting. she even encouraged my daughter to join the other kids in playing and helped my fast asleep son.I found many people there , many friends!

Later we went to the library !
Library is my silent friend now! I find it interesting and exciting whenever we go there!

Later we also went to a nearby mall. Oh my .. there is a surprise. I found three more groups of friends the first one being very genuine to ask my no. and give hers.
It was filled with fun and new surprises yesterday for me and us!

I hope i would keep in touch with atleast some of the people i met!

February 3, 2008

Birthday party

Today i had the opportunity to go to a birthday party! I was excited myself since i thought i could make some more friends and my kids will get a chance to play with other kids etc etc.. But initially i had to be introduced right?! But i wasnt! see my fate keeps following me wherever i go i think! I dont know why? Finally it was my wonderful husband who took the opportunity to do that and i got into "their circle" .

Its very difficult to get into a circle of friends who r already intimate to each other. U r the only black sheep over there. There r so many silly things to be forgotten and forgiven. There r many things which i take it to heart and that is what is my mistake.

I got to take it easy! ok,, if she did not introduce me to her friends then that is how she is.. that is how she could behave herself! forget it!..

I think my kids had a good time apart from the daily boring routines! Being indoors all the time or going to school..

I want my kids to be smart and wise. They shd be fit to push thru any circle .. I shd develop the confidence they need to survive in this weird world. I do not want them to be like me .. hesitating all thru one's life.

"Survival of the fittest" is the primary law that applies to every individual wherever they go! And i want them to be the fittest and the best!! May God help me in my duty!